What are the best SARMs for triathletes?

Triathlon is a sport that requires tons and tons of endurance. Triathletes require a consistent flow of energy and high stamina levels to beat the sport. Therefore, if you’re looking for the best SARMs for Triathletes, then you really need the best SARMs for endurance and stamina.

Luckily, you have several incredible choices at your disposal. Also, you’re not limited to just one SARM. You can stack multiple SARMs for even greater performance. But as you can guess, your tolerance needs to be pretty decent to handle a SARMs stack.

With that said, here are the best SARMs for triathletes:

1.  Cardarine GW501516

Cardarine is a PPAR delta agonist usually mistaken for a SARM. The drug is sold alongside selective androgen receptor modulators hence the confusion. It was even produced by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, the same company behind other SARMs, including the popular Ligandrol.

As a PPAR agonist, Cardarine targets PPAR receptors, not androgen receptors, as with typical SARMs.

How exactly does that improve performance? Well, by acting on PPAR receptors, Cardarine triggers multiple activities, including the switch from glucose to fat as a source of energy. That speeds up the breakdown of stored fat, which reduces overall body fat percentage. On top of that, it also boosts energy and stamina since all the fat gets broken down to produce energy.

In addition to that, Cardarine increases the muscle oxidative capacity. This boosts muscle strength and endurance. That’s exactly what you want as a triathlete when you’re hoping to gain a competitive edge against your competition.

How to take Cardarine GW501516

Take between 10 and 25 mg in 8-week cycles. Advanced users can extend the cycle to up to 12 weeks.

Cardarine side effects

There used to be rumors that Cardarine can cause cancer. Those rumors were luckily put to rest by multiple clinical trials. Not only that, but follow-up studies showed that Cardarine actually has anti-cancer properties.

Therefore, proper usage of Cardarine should not cause any severe adverse effects. But in case you experience any, stop using the drug and seek medical attention.

2.  Stenabolic SR9009

Like Cardarine, Stenabolic is another drug commonly sold as a SARM when it is not one. Stenabolic is a Rev-ErbA Ligand. The drug targets the Rev-ErbA proteins found in the muscle, fat, and liver.

In the muscle tissue, Stenabolic increases mitochondria count resulting in increased energy and muscle endurance. Meanwhile, it targets the Rev-ErbA in the fat tissue to promote the breakdown of stored fat. This leads to increased energy levels.

In the Liver, this Rev-ErbA ligand stops the formation of new fat cells. This results in a reduced body fat percentage.

Therefore, in addition to boosting your performance on the track, Stenabolic can also help you stay lean.

How to take Stenabolic SR9009

Take 30 mg per day split into three servings of 10mg each. That’s because Stenabolic has a poor half-life of just 4 to 6 hours. So you need to distribute the servings throughout the day to maintain the compound at high levels in your body.

Stenabolic cycles run for 8 weeks.

Stenabolic side effects

Users may experience wakefulness or sleep disturbance while on Stenabolic.

3.  Testolone RAD140

Last on the list is Testolone, arguably the most powerful SARM on the market. Testolone is reportedly more powerful than the likes of Ligandrol and S23. The SARM packs a punch which is really great for people who want nothing but absolute peak performance.

But before going any further, it’s worth pointing out that Testolone’s potency is also a red flag for newbies. If you’ve never used SARMs before, this drug will likely overwhelm your system. Therefore, you might want to look at other alternatives like Ostarine and Ligandrol.

With that out of the way, Testolone will boost your endurance as well as muscle-building abilities. In fact, improved performance is usually among the first effects Testolone users notice. Some users would start experiencing the effects after just a few days of taking the drug. Others see the effects in the second week. But in all users, the effects on performance become even more evident as they get deeper into the cycle.

How to take Testolone RAD140

Testolone is very powerful, so you want to use it carefully. The ideal dosage ranges from 5 to 30 mg per day. Start with 5mg per day and increase the dose gradually if your body responds well to it.

The SARM should be used in an 8-week cycle. Each cycle should be followed by a Rebirth PCT since RAD140 causes testosterone suppression.

Testolone side effects

Testolone causes testosterone suppression and increased aggression. A few users have also reported hair loss and gynecomastia.

In Closing

There you have it. Cardarine, Stenabolic, and Testolone are the best SARMs for triathletes. These SARMs are your best option because they boost your endurance and energy levels. Get them in high quality and use them as recommended for safe and effective cycles.