Best SARMs for Cycling

What are the best SARMs for cycling?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators are popular in bulking and cutting cycles. Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts use the compounds to speed up muscle building and break down excess body fat.

However, the benefits of SARMs go well beyond that. With the right SARMs, you can also improve your overall athletic performance, making it easier to undertake exercises such as cycling. Therefore, the best SARMs for cycling are usually the ones that can increase your energy, strength, and stamina. In this review, we’ll discuss three such SARMs. Here they are:

1.  Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic is one of the most underrated SARMs on the market. Ask most fitness enthusiasts what their favorite SARMs are, and the majority will likely talk about Ligandrol and Ostarine. Yet, Stenabolic is just as brilliant, especially when it comes to boosting performance.

Also, most fitness enthusiasts don’t know that Stenabolic is not actually a SARM. Stenabolic, YK11, and Cardarine are all sold as SARMs, but they don’t work as such. Stenabolic, for example, is a Rev-ErbA ligand. It acts on the Rev-ErbA proteins located in the fat tissues, muscles, and Liver.

The drug increases mitochondria count in the muscle tissue allowing users to experience increased endurance. It also cuts body fat to produce energy. Moreover, it prevents the formation of new fat cells in the liver.

These effects make Stenabolic one of the best SARMs for cycling and overall athletic performance. It will take your energy, strength, and stamina levels off the roof.

How to use Stenabolic SR9009

Take 30mg of Stenabolic SR9009 for 8 weeks. One disadvantage of Stenabolic is it has a short half-life of between 4 and 6 hours. You should, therefore, split the dose into three servings for the best results. So, you can take 10mg about 4-6 hours apart.

Each Stenabolic cycle should be followed by a sufficient break.

Stenabolic side effects

The most commonly reported side effect of Stenabolic is wakefulness. Try sticking to the recommended dosage and split the servings correctly to minimize the risk of this adverse effect.

2.  Testolone RAD140

Testolone RAD140 is one of the most popular SARMs on the market. It’s usually used in bulking cycles but is also very effective at boosting overall athletic performance.

The thing with Testolone, however, is that it is extremely powerful. Therefore, it’s best suited to individuals who have experience using SARMs. Alternatively, you’ll want to take the SARM in extremely low dosages.

Like other SARMs, Testolone acts on the androgen receptors in your muscle and bone tissues. Its effects on the receptors are very similar to Testosterone. It triggers the androgen receptors resulting in increased muscle growth and improved energy and endurance.

Therefore, besides improving your cycling, Testolone is a SARM you could rely on to increase your lean mass. Depending on your diet plan and workout routine, it may also help shred the excess body fat.

How to use Testolone RAD140

Take 5mg per day if it’s your first time using the SARM. Intermediate and advanced users can take as much as 30mg per day. The SARM should be used in 8-week cycles. Each cycle should be followed by post-cycle therapy to restore optimal testosterone production.

Testolone side effects

The biggest issue with Testolone is testosterone suppression. The SARM will suppress the natural production of testosterone during your cycle. That’s why you should take Rebirth PCT after the cycle.

A few users have also reported increased aggression while taking Testolone. So that’s something to watch out for.

3.  Cardarine GW501516

As stated earlier, Cardarine is another drug that’s typically sold as a SARM even though it’s not one. Cardarine is a PPAR delta agonist. It targets the PPAR delta receptors increasing the oxidative capacity of muscles. It also switches the body’s energy source from glucose to fat. Both activities increase energy and endurance significantly.

Therefore, Cardarine is another incredible SARM you can rely on to improve your cycling. In addition to that, it will help maintain a low body fat percentage. That should be great news if you’re trying to maintain a lean physique.

How to use Cardarine GW501516

Take between 10 and 25mg per day in 8 to 12-week cycles. Start with a small dose and short cycles if you’ve never used the SARM before.

Since Cardarine doesn’t interact with androgen receptors, you won’t have to run post-cycle therapy after using it.

Cardarine side effects

Cardarine has not been linked to any severe adverse effects. Just make sure to use it as recommended.

In Closing

Stenabolic, Testolone, and Cardarine are the best SARMs for cycling. These SARMs will boost your energy levels and stamina, allowing you to cycle harder and for longer distances. With that said, you should also ensure you’re sourcing your SARMs from reputable vendors. That reduces the risk of adverse effects and helps you get the best results from each cycle. Good luck.