Best SARMs for Gyno

The 3 Best SARMs for Gyno

It’s fair to say that Gynecomastia is every bodybuilder's nightmare. Maybe not everyone, but the majority dreads having “man boobs.” Unfortunately, gyno also tends to be one of the most common side effects of using certain performance enhancers. That usually leaves most bodybuilders in an awkward position.

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On the one hand, you want to use PEDs to enhance your performance in the gym and get better results. On the other hand, you are not ready to deal with the “man boobs” issue afterward. But what if I told you there’s an efficient way to get rid of the man boobs?

With SARMs, you can get rid of all the excess fat around your chest, helping you get that perfect physique you want. So, in this review, we’ll take you through the best SARMs for gyno. Let’s get into it.

1.  Cardarine GW501516

Cardarine is the best SARM for cutting. That makes it an excellent choice for anyone struggling with gynecomastia. The selective androgen receptor modulator is extremely effective at shredding body fat. It can target fat in different body parts, including your chest. In doing so, this SARM will leave you with better muscle definition around your chest and throughout the body.

Here is the interesting thing, though. Did you know Cardarine is not actually a SARM? If you are a SARM enthusiast, then you must have come across Cardarine in almost every SARM store you’ve browsed. But even though the drug is usually sold as a SARM, it doesn’t work as one.

Cardarine is a PPAR agonist. It binds to PPAR receptors triggering multiple biological processes. Among those processes is how your body generates energy. Cardarine stimulates the body to switch to stored fat as your energy source. This is what causes the increased fat breakdown.

Beyond that, the drug increases oxidative capacity in the muscle tissue. This also improves fat breakdown and increases energy and muscle strength.

Therefore, in addition to eliminating the unsightly man boobs, Cardarine will also boost your athletic performance by ensuring you have enough fuel to keep up with your workout routine. So, yeah, this won’t be your run-of-the-mill cutting cycle. Cardarine is a drug that actually promotes fat breakdown without leaving its users lethargic.

How to use Cardarine

The ideal Cardarine dosage is 10 to 25 mg per day, cycled for 8 to 12 weeks. Avoid using the drug for more than 12 weeks. Also, make sure to take enough breaks after each Cardarine cycle.

Cardarine side effects

So far, there haven’t been any adverse reactions linked to the proper use of cardarine. So you shouldn’t experience any issues while taking Cardarine as recommended.

2.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is one of the most popular selective androgen receptor modulators. It’s actually among the best-selling SARMs in most stores. And there are several reasons behind that.

First, the SARM is very user-friendly. New SARMs users can use it without posing any severe risks. Even women can use Ostarine without experiencing virilization or any of such nasty side effects.

Second, Ostarine is popular because it is versatile. The SARM can be used in both bulking and cutting cycles and still produce remarkable results. All you need to do is adjust the workout routine and diet accordingly.

Therefore, if you’re on the market looking for the best SARM for gyno that is also user-friendly, Ostarine MK2866 is your best option. The SARM will help you shred the excess fat in your body resulting in a leaner look. The gyno issue will start to disappear within the first two weeks or so of using the SARM.

And in addition to cutting the fat, MK2866 will also help you add a few pounds of lean mass. Moreover, it will increase your energy and stamina levels.

How to use Ostarine

Take between 10 and 20mg per day. The SARM can be cycled for 8-10 weeks. It’s okay to start with a lower dosage and shorter cycle if it’s your first time using SARMs. You can then increase the dose and extend the cycle in subsequent cycles.

Ostarine side effects

Ostarine users may experience testosterone suppression necessitating Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT). A few cases of insomnia have also been reported among Ostarine users.

3.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Lastly, we have Ligandrol, another extremely popular selective androgen receptor modulator. Ligandrol is a bit more potent than Ostarine. However, beginners and women can also use it without experiencing severe complications. But they’ll have to stick to lower doses.

Like Ostarine, Ligandrol is also effective in both bulking and cutting phases. Therefore, users can capitalize on its cutting properties to get rid of gynecomastia.

Since it’s more powerful than Ostarine, you can expect faster and more dramatic results. And just like Ostairne, you should also expect a boost in energy and strength level as well as an increase in lean mass.

How to use Ligandrol

Ligandrol produces the best results at dosages of between 5 and 20 mg per day. It can be used in cycles of between 8 to 12 weeks.

Ligandrol side effects

Ligandrol causes testosterone suppression, so users must go through PCT to restore optimal testosterone production. Sleep disturbance and headaches have also been reported among some users.

In Closing

Gyno can have a tremendous effect, not just on your physique. It can also affect you mentally. Luckily, drugs like SARMs can help you reverse the condition. Cardarine is the best option for reversing man boobs. However, you can also get decent results with Ostarine and Ligandrol.