Beste SARMs for Nerve Damage

The 3 Best SARMs for Nerve Damage

Unfortunately, injuries are commonplace among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. The risk of getting injured is always there when you’re spending a considerable amount of time lifting weights and doing other workouts.

Nerve damage is one of those injuries that most bodybuilders experience at some point. As if the pain is not bad enough, this injury can also hinder your bodybuilding goals. For instance, you may have to go easier in the gym. You may even be forced to forego your training sessions altogether.

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Therefore, after suffering nerve damage, one of the biggest priorities is ensuring you recover as quickly as possible. Luckily, some medications can help with that.

In this review, we’ll discuss the best SARMs for nerve damage. We’ll go through three selective androgen receptor modulators with powerful healing and recovery properties to expedite your recovery from the nerve damage. Let’s get into it:

1.  Ibutamoren MK677

Ibutamoren or MK677 is also known by the name Nutrobal. It is one of the most popular SARMs on the market. And that’s quite funny because this drug is actually not a SARM. Whereas SARMs interact with androgen receptors (hence the name selective androgen receptor modulators), Ibutamoren works as a growth hormone secretagogue. However, it is usually sold as a SARM, so we might as well include it in this review, right?

As a growth hormone secretagogue, Ibutamoren stimulates the release of the growth hormone and IGF-1. That makes it the best SARM for nerve damage. Why? Because growth hormone is responsible for the growth and repair of damaged tissues. Therefore, by promoting the release of this hormone, MK677 will speed up the repair of your damaged nerve ensuring you’re back in the gym as quickly as possible.

The benefits won’t end there either.

Growth hormones are responsible for many other functions in the body. For instance, they support better sleep quality. Therefore, you can expect improved sleep while using MK677, and that’s critical because sleeping and resting help with recovery.

Beyond that, Ibutamoren is also useful for muscle building. However, you won’t really see its full potential here since you’re unlikely to support it with a robust training program due to your nerve injury. Still, it’s good knowing that the compound may help you add a pound or two and protect your lean gains as you recover.

How to use Ibutamoren MK677

The ideal Ibutamoren dose ranges between 10 and 25 mg per day. The drug should be used in 6-week cycles followed by a 4-5 week break.

Ibutamoren side effects

Sadly, Ibutamoren has been linked to several side effects. These include water retention and increased hunger. The drug also causes headaches and insulin resistance in rare cases.

Use it correctly to minimize the risk of these adverse reactions. You may also want to consult your primary caregiver if you have pre-existing conditions.

2.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is an impressive selective androgen receptor modulator produced by Ligand Pharmaceuticals. The drug was initially created to treat osteoporosis and muscle wasting. However, after multiple rounds of trials, it reversed muscle wasting and increased lean muscle mass growth. The same results were witnessed anecdotally when users started experimenting with the drug.

Therefore, Ligandrol has some healing properties that can prove very helpful for anyone with muscle and nerve damage. The SARM will promote the healing of tissues helping you recover at a much faster pace. And since it also promotes muscle growth, you can expect to retain your lean gains at the very minimum.

How to use Ligandrol

Ligandrol is quite powerful, so it must be used carefully. Most users report great results with doses of between 5 and 15 mg per day. It’s advisable to start low and increase the dose gradually. So you can start with 5mg per day or even 2.5mg if you have no experience using SARMs. Then add to the dose two or three weeks into the cycle if your body is reacting well.

Speaking of which, Ligandrol should be used in 6-8 week cycles.

Ligandrol side effects

Perhaps the most notable side effect of Ligandrol is testosterone suppression. Luckily, this can be reversed with post-cycle therapy. Most users take advantage of Rebirth PCT to resolve this.

Besides testosterone suppression, some LGD4033 users have also reported headaches and insomnia.

3.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is one of the most versatile selective androgen receptor modulators on the market. The SARM is used in bulking and cutting cycles. However, some users also add it into their body recomposition regimen. That’s where they try to add on muscle mass while cutting excess body fat.

In addition to all that, Ostarine may also be helpful for nerve damage. Like Ligandrol, this drug was initially created to reverse muscle wasting and bone degeneration. But besides reversing these issues, it also promoted lean mass growth and increased bone mineral density.

Therefore, Ostarine can support your recovery from nerve damage. It may not be as potent as Ibutamoren, but it’ll still deliver some results.

How to use Ostarine

Take between 10 and 20 mg per day for eight weeks. Advanced users can stretch the cycle for ten weeks. It’s worth pointing out that Ostarine is also quite user-friendly. Women, too, can use it.

Ostarine side effects

Like Ligandrol, Ostarine will also cause testosterone suppression, so you must run PCT after each cycle. Moreover, Ostarine may cause sleep disturbance.

In Closing

If you are looking for the best SARMs for nerve damage, Ibutamoren, Ligandrol, and Ostarine are your best bet. These SARMs will speed up the healing of nerve tissues helping you get back on your feet in record time. Be sure to use them correctly.