How to make Kratom tea

How to Make Kratom Tea

In order to make Kratom tea, you'll need a cup or two of water, half of which should be brought to a gentle boil. Add the pre-measured Kratom powder and simmer for at least 10-15 minutes, or until the liquid turns a deep orange or yellow color. Turn off the heat and hold a sieve over the mug. Pour the liquid and any remaining Kratom into the sieve. Stir to dissolve any remaining powder. Strain, then serve.

Best Kratom to make tea with

Golden Monk

Maeng Da is a horned leaf strain of the Mitragyna Speciosa plant. There is a green vein, red vein and white vein color variety of Maeng Da kratom. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Golden Monk

Red Vein Bali originates from the Island of Bali in Indonesia. Red Bali is the most popular of all red vein kratom varieties. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee.

Golden Monk

Red Vein Thai is a red vein kratom variety originating from Thailand. It is less popular than the Red Bali strain and more popular than the Red Borneo kratom strain. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Golden Monk

Green Vein Bali originates from the island of Bali in Indonesia. White, Red & Green Bali are popular color variations of the same Bali strain. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Golden Monk

Green Vein Borneo, like White Vein Borneo, gets its name from the Island of Borneo in Indonesia. Green Borneo is the third most popular green vein strain behind Green Bali and Super Green Malaysian. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Golden Monk

Green Malay, along with Green Maeng Da, are the two most popular green vein strains. Green Malay kratom powder is known for its vibrant green color. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Golden Monk

White Borneo is a white vein strain that originates from the Island of Borneo in Indonesia. This type of kratom strain, along with White Bali are two most popular white vein strains. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Bitter taste

The bitter taste of Kratom can make some people hesitate to try it. Fortunately, there are several ways to mask this taste, and it's easier than you might think! One way is to mix it with something you already love, like yogurt. This will help make the taste more tolerable and give you a boost of energy. If that isn't an option, you can try adding a bit of sugar or honey to it.

Although it has a distinct bitter taste, experts say that it's impossible to completely eliminate it. However, there are several ways to mask the taste, including adding sweet or salty flavors, as well as high fat foods. Many chefs recommend adding a bit of salt to the kratom, which helps trick your taste buds into thinking that it's a salty drink, so that it's not as bitter. However, this isn't a solution for everyone. If you're looking to try it, you'll need to find out what kind of salty or sweet taste you like best.

Alkaloids in kratom tea

The chemical composition of kratom in commercial products is unknown but depends on several factors. In general, the total alkaloid content in dried leaves ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 %. The most abundant constituent in Thai varieties is mitragynine, with 7-hydroxymitragynine being a minor constituent. Malaysian varieties contain a smaller amount of mitragynine. Further research is needed to understand how these alkaloids interact with cell membranes.

There are several types of alkaloids in kratom tea. These compounds have different chemical structures. Some of them have a biological activity involving receptors, enzymes, and cellular barriers. To understand how these compounds interact with the human body, it is essential to know their chemical composition. The following list presents the different types of alkaloids found in Malaysian kratom. Once you've identified the one you're looking for, you can begin brewing your own kratom tea!

Filtering kratom powder

Before you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of kratom, you must filter the powder before making tea. First, bring about half a cup of water to a gentle boil. Add the kratom powder and let it simmer for at least 10 minutes. The tea will be ready when the color turns deep orange or yellow. Then, remove the pot from the flame and place a coffee filter over the sieve. Pour the liquid through the sieve to remove the kratom remnants.

After soaking the leaves in hot water, you can mix the powder with other tea leaves. This method can mask the bitterness of the powder but still has its benefits. However, you must remember that kratom alkaloids are water-soluble, so adding a bit of acid will make the tea bitter. It should be noted that this has not significantly decreased the potency of the tea. After filtering, let the kratom tea cool before serving it.

Steeping time

If you are interested in drinking Kratom tea, the steeping time for your kratom powder varies. For best results, steep your kratom for around 15 minutes. You can add sweetener to your cup and let the tea steep for a few more minutes, but you can also steep it for shorter periods of time. The longer the tea steeps, the stronger its flavor. The steeping time may also affect the way the Kratom powder tastes.

Once you have prepared your kratom tea, you should put it into a thermos or strain it. You can also use an open mug, but you may have to reheat it first before the recommended 20-minute steeping time. If you are using a pot on the stove, bring the water to a simmer before adding the kratom powder. After steeping, allow the tea to cool and you are ready to drink it.


Kratom is the name of the plant. It is part of the Rubiaceae family and grows naturally in Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and New Guinea. It is grown commercially for both tea and as an herbal medicine. It has stimulating, sedative, narcotic, and psychoactive effects. It is used in traditional medicine as an intestinal deworming agent and antidiarist. The ingredients in Kratom tea vary depending on the type of kratom used.

To prepare kratom tea, you can simply add one or two teaspoons of powder to four or six cups of hot water. Alternatively, you can grind the leaves and use them in a French press. For a more natural taste, you can also add a little honey or sweetener to the liquid. Once you have brewed the tea, strain it. The liquid will have a bitter taste, so you can use a sweetener or honey to mask the taste.