How to use Kratom for the best results

How to use kratom for the best results?

The kratom tree is a tropical evergreen from Southeast Asia, and it has been used there for years as a painkiller and a stimulant. It's known by many names in the Western world, including ketum, kratum and biak-biak; but no matter what people call it, they're talking about the same thing: an herbaceous plant that's been used medicinally for centuries.

In recent years, kratom has gained a reputation as an alternative to opioid painkillers because of its ability to provide relief without creating addiction or other harmful side effects. However, not everyone understands how best to use this natural substance—and there are also misconceptions about how safe or dangerous it might be compared with prescription drugs like Vicodin or oxycodone. My goal here is simple: To teach you everything I know about kratom so that you can make an informed decision before deciding whether it's right for you!

Green Vein Bali originates from the island of Bali in Indonesia. White, Red & Green Bali are popular color variations of the same Bali strain. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee.

Green Vein Borneo, like White Vein Borneo, gets its name from the Island of Borneo in Indonesia. Green Borneo is the third most popular green vein strain behind Green Bali and Super Green Malaysian. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee.

Green Hulu Kapuas originates from the province of West Kalimantan in Indonesia. Green Kapuas is a popular strain and is similar to other green vein strains such as Green Malay and Green Borneo. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee.

Green Malay, along with Green Maeng Da, are the two most popular green vein strains. Green Malay kratom powder is known for its vibrant green color. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee. 

Golden Monk

Mix and match kratom half kilograms for the same price as our regular kilograms. You must order in groups of 2. This product is lab-tested and has a full satisfaction guarantee.

How to take kratom?

You can get the most out of your kratom experience by taking it in the right way, at the right time and in the right dosage. Here’s how:

  • Take it with food. Kratom has a long half-life, meaning that it stays in your system for several hours after ingestion before being metabolized and excreted from your body. Because of this, you should take kratom on an empty stomach—but not too empty! A healthy breakfast or lunch is best for optimal absorption of its alkaloids into your bloodstream (and helps prevent nausea).
  • Take just enough to feel good but not too much to feel bad. With any substance, there is always a risk of taking too much and experiencing an overdose or negative side effects such as nausea and vomiting; however, these are more likely when using higher dosages than those recommended by experts like myself or other medical professionals who know a thing or two about this stuff (like maybe me!).

Kratom and addiction

  • Kratom is not an opiate. It’s related to the coffee plant, but it’s not an opiate.
  • Kratom isn’t addictive. The way you take kratom will have a lot to do with whether or not you become addicted, but most people can use it without becoming addicted because of its alkaloids and how they interact with your body.
  • Kratom isn’t a gateway drug; it doesn't lead to using more dangerous drugs like heroin or fentanyl (even though some people think that). That's because kratom actually reduces cravings for other drugs by helping people manage pain better than opioids alone can do so before their tolerance builds up too high for them to be effective anymore—which means less need for stronger stuff later on down the line! This is why many former addicts have claimed success in kicking their habit thanks to this herb instead of relying solely on methadone therapy sessions at clinics across America today.”

Kratom dosage

The best way to take Kratom is in capsule form. The second-best way is to take it in powder form, followed by tea and pill forms. The worst way to take Kratom is all at once in a shot glass. While this may be fun, it’s not the most effective method of taking kratom—unless you’re trying to experience some serious side effects like nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (but don’t worry: these side effects tend not to last long).

Understanding kratom strains

It's important to know that there are many different types of kratom strains, which are sometimes referred to as “vendors.” The most common types are Bali and Thai, but there are a number of others. All have their benefits, but some will appeal more than others depending on your personal needs.

  • Bali: This strain is known for its gentle energy boost and calming effects. It's great for beginners because it doesn't give you too much of either effect at once—it's gentle enough to work with long-term, while still giving you some uplift in mood and energy levels throughout the day.
  • Thai: A stronger strain than Bali (and therefore better suited for those who've been using kratom regularly), Thai has strong painkilling effects without overwhelming sedative ones like some other strains do. It can ease anxiety symptoms as well as physical pain.*


If you’re trying to figure out how to use kratom for the best results, remember that it’s all about dosage and strain. The right amount of kratom can offer pain relief, help you sleep better at night and even boost your mood. As with any substance, though, there are risks involved with using too much or combining it with other drugs or alcohol. That being said, if you follow these tips closely when taking this traditional herb there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be an enjoyable experience for everyone involved!