What are the best SARMs for tendon repair?

Did you know that SARMs were originally developed to treat muscle wasting and bone degeneration disorders?

That was the initial motivation behind the development of selective androgen receptor modulators. And as the first trials tested the effectiveness of the drugs in this, it became clear that the SARMs could do more than prevent muscle wasting and bone degeneration. They also promote muscle growth and bone mineral density.

Therefore, SARMs do have healing properties, so it’s not surprising that they can also be used for tendon repair. But which SARMs, in particular, are best for tendon repair? Here are our top three picks:

1.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine or MK2866 is also sold as Enobosarm. The SARM was developed by GTx Inc, though some reports suggest that it was initially engineered by the University of Tennessee Research Foundation.

Whatever the case is, Ostarine remains one of the best SARMs for tendon repair. The SARM targets androgen receptors located in the muscle and bone tissues to speed up recovery and healing.

The SARM will also go further to boost your muscle mass and bone mineral density.

Another benefit of Ostarine is that it’s a mild SARM. This makes it an excellent choice for anyone who wants to use SARMs for tendon repair but has never used SARMs before. The compound will function without overwhelming your body. And if you stick to low dosages, you should be able to avoid severe adverse effects.

Speaking of which, all SARMs (including Ostarine) are known for causing testosterone suppression. However, this is reversible through a SARMs PCT. Therefore, after running an Ostarine cycle, get on post-cycle therapy to restore optimal testosterone production.

How to use Ostarine

First-time users are advised to take 15 mg per day for 8 weeks. You can increase the dose to up to 25mg per day if you have some experience using SARMs. The cycle may also be prolonged to up to 10 weeks.

2.  Ibutamoren MK677

The other incredible SARM for tendon repair is Ibutamoren MK677. The thing, however, is that Ibutamoren is not really a SARM. It’s sold as one, but Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue. It stimulates the production of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor- 1 (IGF-1).

This is great because growth hormones play an integral role in tendon repair and healing. In fact, they’re pivotal for building and maintaining tissues. Therefore, by boosting growth hormone levels in the body, MK677 is very effective at repairing damaged tendons.

In addition to the repair and healing properties, Ibutamoren will also improve your sleep quality, recovery, hair and skin health, and muscle mass.

As a growth hormone secretagogue, Ostarine does not cause testosterone suppression the same way SARMs do. Therefore, you don’t have to go through PCT after using it.

However, a few users have experienced water retention and increased hunger after taking this drug.

How to use Ibutamoren

You can start with a dosage of 10mg per day and increase it to a maximum of 25 mg per day. Ibutamoren should be cycled for 16 weeks. Then, take a 5-6 week break before starting another cycle.

3.  Andarine S4

Andarine is a fairly popular SARM used for bodybuilding. However, it also has healing properties that can be used to speed up tendon repair. It’ll strengthen your bones and muscle tissues as well as boost your recovery after strenuous activities.

Unfortunately, Andarine does cause testosterone suppression. It’s actually reported to be more suppressive than Ostarine. But not as suppressive as more potent SARMs like Ligandrol.

All that to say that you need to be careful with the doses you use. Also, you’ll need an effective SARMs PCT to restore optimal natural testosterone production.

In addition to suppression, Andarine is also known for causing vision issues. Some users report experiencing a yellow tinge while on Andarine. This issue can be reduced by sticking to the recommended dosage. Also, it’s not permanent. It’ll disappear once you get off the SARM.

How to use Andarine

You can take up to 50mg per day of Andarine for 8 weeks.

One notable issue with Andarine is the short half-life. The drug has a half-life of only about 8 hours.

Since you need to keep it at optimal levels in your system, you’ll need to split the dosage into two or three servings. That means you can have 25mg in the morning and another 25mg later in the evening.

Final Thoughts

SARMs can be very helpful for tendon repair. The three SARMs that are especially effective for this purpose are Ostarine, Ibutamoren, and Andarine.

We would recommend Ostarine for people who don’t have much experience using SARMs. Andarine can be helpful for people who’ve already used SARMs in the past. Meanwhile, Ibutmaoren is great for anyone who wants to avoid testosterone suppression and would love the extra benefits of high growth hormone levels.