What are the best SARMs for over 50 years?

If you are over 50 years old, chances are you are dealing with reduced muscles, increased body fat, loss of energy, strength and stamina, weak bones, and dwindling libido. Some of these issues might be more severe than others. Whatever the case, you’re in an uncomfortable position and would do anything to avoid it. We’re here to help you with that.

Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) can slow down and reverse most of those issues. These drugs were, after all, engineered to treat bone degeneration and muscle-wasting issues. They’re also known to be quite safe.

This article will highlight the best SARMs for those over 50.

1.  Ibutamoren Mk677

This is a bit awkward because, at the top of this list, we have Ibutamoren, which is not really a SARM. Ibutamoren is typically sold as a selective androgen receptor modulator, but it is actually a growth hormone secretagogue.

That means the drug does not target androgen receptors the same way typical SARMs do. Ibutamoren stimulates the secretion of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). And this is exactly what you need at 50 years old.

You see, tissue development and maintenance are usually taken care of by several hormones, including GH.  And as GH levels drop with age, you start to experience issues such as sagging skin, thinning hair, brittle bones, muscle wasting, and so on.

By boosting the release of GH, Ibutamoren helps reverse all those issues. It’ll help you add muscle mass, increase bone mineral density, boost skin and hair health, and even improve sleep quality.

You’ll also experience improved recovery and some fat loss. So, the next question is, how do you use Ibutamoren?

Ibutamoren dosage

Take 10-25mg per day for 16-20 weeks. It’s advisable to start with just 10mg per day and 16-week cycles if it’s your first time using the drug.

2.  Ostarine MK2866

Now, Ostarine is as real a SARM as it can get. This compound goes after the androgen receptors in your muscle and bone tissue. It then stimulates rapid muscle growth and increases bone mineral density. The end results are increased muscle growth, high muscle strength, and stronger bones.

In addition, Ostarine is known for increasing endurance and stamina. It also promotes recovery, boosts libido, and enhances cognition.

Therefore, not only will Ostarine improve your physical fitness, but it will also promote your mental well-being and sexual health.

Something else that makes Ostarine brilliant for those over 50 is that it’s also the mildest SARM. This is usually great for both beginners and the elderly because it allows them to use the drug without getting overwhelmed by it.

Therefore, you won’t have to worry about spending your day feeling sick due to this compound. It’s also safe enough to be used by both men and women.

That said, Ostarine does cause testosterone suppression, just like other SARMs. But you can reverse this issue with PCT supplements after your Ostarine cycle.

Ostarine dosage

The recommended Ostarine dose is between 15 and 20mg per day. This is the perfect dosage to get the desired results without experiencing unwanted side effects. New users are better off starting with just 15mg per day. You can increase the dose as you get used to the drug.

Ostarine should be used for 8 to 10 weeks. Each cycle should be followed by post-cycle therapy.

3.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is a bit more powerful than Ostarine. It’s perfect when you want better and faster results. Women can also use it, but they’ll need to be much more careful. For them, taking more than is required (or extending the cycles) can result in serious virilization issues.

That said, Ligandrol is super impressive at boosting physical fitness. That’s why it’s one of the most popular bodybuilding SARMs.

The drug will speed up muscle growth, improve recovery, boost bone health, and increase your muscle strength and endurance.

The drawback is that Ligandrol is a bit more suppressive than Ostarine. That’s expected since it’s more potent with a higher anabolic androgenic ratio. Nevertheless, you can reverse the suppression through post-cycle therapy. It’s also advisable to stick to the recommended dose to reduce the severity of this side effect.

Other side effects you may want to watch out for are insomnia, headaches, and joint pain.

Ligandrol dosage

Take between 2.5 and 15mg per day for 8-12 weeks. Once again, first-time users are better off starting with the lowest dosage and shortest cycle. You can increase the dose and extend the cycle (not exceeding 12 weeks) in your subsequent cycles.

Final Thoughts

SARMs are an excellent option for anyone struggling with physical fitness and bone-related issues. These drugs will promote bone health, muscle growth, and overall physical performance within a few weeks of using them. The results get even better when you adopt a healthy diet and a suitable workout routine.

As you’ve seen in this article, Ibutamoren, ostarine, and Ligandrol are the best SARMs for over 50.