What are the best SARMs for teenagers?

Selective androgen receptor modulators are widely known for being extremely effective at getting the job done without exposing users to adverse side effects. However, some SARMs are known to be more powerful than others. Also, certain SARMs cause testosterone suppression at a higher degree than others.

Therefore, if you’re a teenager who’s never used SARMs, you’ll need to be careful when picking your first SARM. You’ll want a beginner-friendly SARM that won’t overwhelm your system. And one that will not cause severe testosterone suppression. We have just the right picks for you.

So, here are the top three SARMs for teenagers.

1.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is well-known as the best SARM for beginners. This incredible compound is your go-to SARM whenever you’re looking for a chilled-out cycle where you’re getting the results you want without too much drama with the side effects.

In fact, most users rarely experience any severe side effects when using Ostarine. The only possible issue is mild testosterone suppression, rectified through a SARMs PCT.

Cool. Ostarine is great for a teenager, but what sort of results can you expect? Expect to see an increase in lean muscle mass. Like other SARMs, Ostarine will target the androgen receptors in your muscle tissue to speed up muscle growth.

Moreover, it’ll interact with the ARs in the bone tissue. This leads to increased bone mineral density. That means stronger bones. This should help you handle all the new lean mass you’re adding. Moreover, it’ll reduce the risk of bone fractures and other issues which you’ll be exposed to when hitting the gym.

That brings us to the next point; though effective, Ostarine should be supported by a solid workout routine and diet.

Other reported benefits of using Ostarine are increased strength and some fat loss.

How to use Ostarine

The recommended Ostarine dosage ranges from 15 to 20mg per day. But as a beginner, we’d recommend starting with just 15mg per day to minimize the risk of adverse effects.

As for the cycles, we recommend a short 8-week cycle. Make sure to get on a good post-cycle therapy afterward.

2.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is not as mild as Ostarine. Therefore, we’d recommend this particular SARM for a teenager who wants more intense results. But to minimize the risk of adverse effects, we’d urge you to stick to low dosages.

For the results, Ligandrol is best known for bulking. So, use this SARM if your goal is to add muscle mass at a rapid rate. It’ll get the job done quickly, especially with the right workout regimen and diet.

Beyond that, Ligandrol will increase your stamina and energy level. It’ll boost your bone health and recovery, too. Ligandrol may also aid fat loss, but it won’t be as impressive as something like Cardarine GW501516 for this purpose.

Besides testosterone suppression, Ligandrol users may also experience water retention, headaches, and nausea.

How to use Ligandrol

You can reduce the risks of experiencing the above side effects by taking Ligandrol in the correct doses.

The recommended dosage for teenagers is 2.5mg per day, taken for 8-10 weeks.

After using Ligandrol for a few cycles, you can up the dosage to up to 5mg and the cycle to up to 12 weeks. Don’t push the dosage and cycles any further than that. Also, PCT is necessary after each cycle.

3.  Ibutamoren MK677

Ibutamoren is not really a SARM. However, we’ve featured it here because it can help you get the desired results with minimal to no side effects. Also, it’s usually sold as a SARM, so it makes sense to include it in this list.

Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue. The drug triggers the production of insulin-like growth factor- 1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH). These two play an instrumental role in boosting muscle growth, fat loss, recovery, and even healing.

Also, the body uses growth hormones to maintain healthy skin and hair. Therefore, by increasing GH levels, MK677 will help you get healthier skin and hair. Your sleep quality will also improve dramatically.

What about the side effects? Correct usage of Ibutamoren is rarely accompanied by side effects. It won’t cause any testosterone suppression since it doesn’t target androgen receptors the same way SARMs do.

A few users have reported increased hunger and water retention while using Ibutamoren.

How to use Ibutamoren

Start with 10mg per day, taken for 16 weeks. The drug may not cause suppression, but taking a break between cycles is still important. A 5-week break should suffice. Also, you don’t have to do PCT after using Ibutamoren.

Final Thoughts

Ostarine, Ligandrol, and Ibutamoren are the best SARMs for teenagers. These SARMs will help you add lean mass, increase your athletic performance, and may also encourage fat loss. Make sure to use them in low doses and short cycles to minimize the risk of side effects.