What are the best SARMs for pitchers?

How do you become a great pitcher? Well, you’ll need various things to be an excellent pitcher. You need quick reaction speeds, agility, and coordination.

But on top of that, you must also have explosive power and speed. And these are some of the things that SARMs can help you with. So, yes, you can use SARMs to become a better pitcher. However, which SARMs, in particular, are recommended?

Here are the best SARMs for pitchers:

1.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol tops the list for being one of the best SARMs for boosting energy, stamina, and muscle strength without being overpowering. Make no mistake, Ligandrol is a pretty powerful SARM. However, it’s not too powerful that new users might struggle with side effects. Provided it’s used in the correct doses, even new SARMs users will enjoy its benefits without having to deal with adverse effects.

In addition to all that, Ligandrol users also experience enhanced recovery. That should speed up your recovery from training and even games.

Ligandrol is also known for improving bone health. This is unsurprising as one of the reasons behind its initial development was to treat bone degeneration. Therefore, this SARM may reduce your risk of getting bone-related injuries.

Moreover, it can strengthen your bone and muscle ligaments boosting your performance in the field even further.

Other known benefits of Ligandrol are that it can increase muscle mass and promote fat loss.

How to use Ligandrol

You can take anything between 2.5 and 15 mg daily for 8 to 12 weeks. If it’s your first time taking Ligandrol, we recommend starting low and increasing your dose two or three weeks into the cycle.

You can also stick to a 2.5mg dose for the entire cycle and increase it in subsequent cycles. This is vital in reducing side effects.

Take note that Ligandrol causes testosterone suppression. This is when natural testosterone production drops due to another compound functioning as the hormone. However, it’s a temporary effect, and you can reverse it through post-cycle therapy.

2.  Stenabolic SR9009

Stenbaolic is a Rev-ErbA Ligand usually sold as a SARM. The drug targets the REv-ErbA proteins located in the muscle, liver, and fat cells. The effects of the drug in two of those tissues stimulate several processes that will benefit you as a pitcher.

For example, in muscle tissues, it increases mitochondria count. Mitochondria is responsible for converting the energy in the food we eat into a form that can be utilized by the muscle cells. Put simply, it takes muscle energy and strength to a whole new level.

Meanwhile, in the fat cells, Stenabolic triggers your body to utilize the excess body fat for energy in place of glucose. This has two impacts. One, it increases your energy and stamina levels considerably. Second, it promotes fat loss.

In the liver, Stenabolic reduces the secretion of new fat cells, which is highly welcomed if you’re trying to cut body fat.

Therefore, besides boosting your power and strength, Stenabolic can also promote fat loss and may even aid lean muscle growth when supported with the right workout routine and diet.

How to use Stenabolic

Take 30mg of Stenabolic for 8 weeks. Split the dose into three or two servings within a day since the drug has a short half-life. So you can take 10mg in the morning, afternoon, and later in the evening.

Stenabolic doesn’t target androgen receptors, so you won’t need post-cycle therapy after using it.

3.  Testolone RAD140

Testolone is, in our opinion, the best SARM for raw power and explosiveness. Therefore, it might as well be the best SARM for pitchers. Then, why do we rank it at number three?

Simple, this SARM is really powerful. Therefore, not everyone can stomach it. For that reason, we recommend it to pitchers who already have good experience using SARMs.

Testolone will fill you with muscle power, strength, and stamina to give you unmatched performance in the field.

Testolone is also popular in the bodybuilding industry because it boosts muscle growth, vascularity, and fat loss.

How to use Testolone

The ideal Testolone dose can range from 5 to 30mg per day. We’ll recommend 5mg per day for someone taking Testolone for the first time. You can then add to the dose as your body gets familiarized with the drug.

Cycles should never exceed 10 weeks. In fact, 8 weeks is usually enough in most cases.

Final Thoughts

That’s it. Those are the best SARMs for pitchers. We’ll recommend Ligandrol and Stenabolic to guys who have never used SARMs before. Stenabolic is also great if you don’t want to experience testosterone suppression.

Finally, Testolone is the best option for pitchers who already have experience using SARMs.