What are the best SARMs for over 40 years?

As we get older, the processes in our bodies tend to slow down, and this is usually due to changes in hormone levels.

For example, in men, testosterone secretion starts to drop drastically after hitting 30 years old. Keep in mind that this is the hormone responsible for most masculine traits. That includes building and maintaining lean mass, cutting body fat, and maintaining pique athletic performance.

Both men and women also witness the deterioration of skin and hair health. Sagging skin, thinning hair, and other similar issues become commonplace.

Luckily, you can slow down these issues through SARMs. We say slow down because you can’t really stop aging. But with the right products, you can delay the process to stay in peak form for longer.

So, here are the best SARMs for over 40:

1.  Ibutamoren MK677

Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue that promotes the production of growth hormone (GH) and the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

If you know anything about the anti-aging industry, then you know that GH makes some of the most popular anti-aging supplements. That’s because the growth hormone promotes the building and maintenance of most tissues, from muscle and bone to hair, skin, and so on.

Therefore, Ibutamoren is probably the best SARM for those over 40 because it will trigger increased growth hormone secretion. And you’ll benefit from this in various ways:

One, it’ll improve your hair and skin health significantly. Your skin will gain elasticity, while your hair will get stronger and look more vibrant.

Growth hormone is also essential for sleep quality. Therefore, using MK677 will increase your sleep quality considerably.

Finally, the drug will boost your physical appearance and performance. You should see an increase in muscle mass within a few weeks of taking the drug. Body fat percentage will also drop as more of it gets burned down to produce energy. Finally, your muscle strength, energy, and endurance will increase.

Are there any risks you need to be aware of? Ibutamoren has not been linked to any severe adverse effects. However, a  few users have reported some water retention and increased hunger.

How to use Ibutamoren

Take between 10 and 25 mg per day for 16 weeks. Advanced users can take the drug for up to 20 weeks. It’s not advisable to go beyond that. After the cycle, take a 5-month break, and then you can start using MK677 again.

Note that Ibutamoren does not target androgen receptors, so both men and women can use it safely.

2.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine will boost your physical performance and muscle growth more than anything else. This selective androgen receptor modulator targets the androgen receptors in your bone and muscle tissues. This triggers rapid muscle growth and increased bone mineral density.

It’s, therefore, a useful SARM for any person over 40 who wants to maintain optimal physical fitness.

That’s not the only reason you should try Ostarine. The SARM is also the mildest in the market. That means new users can enjoy this SARM without experiencing severe adverse events.

In addition to boosting muscle growth, Ostarine will increase your energy, stamina, and endurance. It also has some healing properties, and it may be able to improve your libido and cognition.

Ostarine is mild enough to be used by women as well.

Potential Ostarine side effects include testosterone suppression and sleep disturbance. We recommend going through PCT to reverse the suppression issue. As for the bad sleep side effect, use the drug in the recommended dosage to reduce the risk.

How to use Ostarine

Take between 15 and 20mg per day for 8 to 10 weeks. Then, go through PCT and have a short break before starting another cycle.

3.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is one of the more powerful SARMs. It’s more potent than Ostarine, but beginners can also use it, provided they stick to lower doses.

Like Ostarine, Ligandrol will also boost your physical performance and appearance. You’ll see bigger and faster muscle gains, increased fat loss, high energy and stamina levels, and better recovery.

Ligandrol also boosts bone health which is vital in preventing brittle bones – a common issue among those over 40.

Ligandrol side effects include testosterone suppression. Since it’s more powerful than Ostarine, expect it to be more suppressive. The issue can be remedied quickly through PCT, though.

The other known issues are insomnia and headaches. We’ll recommend not overdosing or prolonging the cycles to stay safe from these adverse effects.

How to use Ligandrol

Take between 2.5 and 15 mg daily in 8-12 week cycles. Follow this up with a proper PCT before starting another cycle.

Final Thoughts

Ibutamoren, Ostarine, and Ligandrol are the best SARMs for over 40. Ibutamoren is great because it’s a growth hormone secretagogue, so you’ll enjoy additional benefits like improved sleep quality and healthier skin and hair.

Ostarine is best for first-time SARMs users, and Ligandrol is perfect for anyone who wants a more potent SARM for faster and better results.