What are the best SARMs for injuries?

If you are struggling with muscle or bone-related injuries, you may find several SARMs helpful for your recovery. Selective androgen receptor modulators were originally meant to be used for muscle wasting and bone degeneration.

Most of the initial studies also showed that these drugs could be effective for that purpose. And although there haven’t been a lot of clinical trials on them, most animal studies and anecdotal reports show that SARMs can be effective for injuries.

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In this article, we’ll discuss three SARMs in particular that are likely to speed up your healing and recovery process from injuries. Let’s get into it:

1.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is one of the best SARMs for injuries as it boosts bone mineral density and promotes healing and recovery.

Produced by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, Ligandrol will also help you burn some body fat and increase your muscle gains. Moreover, it boosts strength, stamina, and endurance.

As for the side effects, Ligandrol may cause hair shedding, headaches, insomnia, and joint pain. Most people use the drug without experiencing any severe side effects, though. This is especially the case when you use it in the correct doses.

That said, all users need to be wary of testosterone suppression which is common across all SARMs. Make sure to jump onto post-cycle therapy after the cycle to reverse this issue.

How to use Ligandrol

We recommend starting with a dose of 2.5mg per day. If you already have experience using SARMs, you can increase the dose to up to 15mg per day.

Ligandrol cycles run for 8 to 12 weeks. Once again, new users should run shorter cycles in the beginning. You can increase the cycles once your body gets used to the drug. But never go beyond 12 weeks.

2.  Ibutamoren Mk677

Ibutamoren is also sold under the name Nutrabol or simply as MK677. You will find this drug across any SARMs store, but it does not function as a SARM. Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue.

It stimulates the production of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and growth hormone (GH). Growth hormone is critical for the development and maintenance of tissues, including muscle ligaments and tendons.

Therefore, Ibutamoren will be super valuable when dealing with muscle and joint injuries. It’ll speed up your healing process and overall recovery.

Beyond that, it can help you stay fit by promoting muscle growth and fat loss. However, you’ll need to support it with the right diet and workout regimen for the best results.

Additional Mk677 benefits include improved sleep quality and skin and hair health.

Ibutamoren does not cause testosterone suppression, so you don’t have to worry about that. However, you may want to watch out for side effects such as headaches, increased hunger, and water retention.

How to use Ibutamoren

Take between 10 and 25 mg per day for 16 to 20 weeks. Each cycle should be followed by a break of at least 5 weeks.

Also, no need to do PCT after taking MK677 since it doesn’t cause suppression.

3.  Ostarine Mk2866

Finally, we have Ostarine, one of the best SARMs for beginners. We recommend this if you’re looking for the best SARM for injuries and have never used SARMs. It will give you the perfect starting point allowing you to get the results you desire without experiencing severe adverse reactions.

The SARM will promote your recovery while giving you a chance to stay fit as it boosts muscle growth and fat loss.

You’ll also witness a boost in strength, stamina, and endurance.

For the side effects, Ostarine will also cause suppression but not to a high degree compared to Ligandrol or other more potent SARMs. Still, we recommend undertaking a SARMs PCT to restore optimal testosterone production.

How to use Ostarine.

Use between 15 and 20 mg per day. Cycles should be 8 to 10 weeks long.

If you’ve never used SARMs before, start with 15mg per day for the first 2-3 weeks then you can up the dose to 20mg per day for the rest of the cycle. You should also keep your first cycle short, so don’t go any longer than 8 weeks.

Final Thoughts

SARMs can be instrumental in your recovery from bone and muscle injuries. And some of the best SARMs for that purpose are Ligandrol, Ibutamoren, and Ostarine.

To minimize the risk of adverse reactions, be sure to take the drugs as recommended. Also, buy them in high quality from reputable vendors.