What are the best SARMs for football?

Some of the things that football fitness tests screen for are your body fat percentage and flexibility.

Of course, footballers are required to maintain low body fat percentages to ensure they can perform exceptionally on the field. A low body fat percentage also means better flexibility.

Beyond that, you need high stamina, endurance, speed, and strength. Here is the good news. SARMs can help you with all these demands.

So, read on as we discuss the best SARMs for football athletes:

1.  Testolone RAD140

Testolone is arguably the most powerful SARM on the market. It’s mostly used in bulking cycles where users see gains of over 15lbs per cycle. Yes, you read that right. Testolone can help users gain over 15 pounds of muscle mass in an 8-week cycle. That’s how powerful it is.

That should give you a good perspective of how intense the results can be using Testolone. The drug will stimulate your body to burn down body fat at an exceptionally fast rate. This is brilliant if you’re working within a tight deadline.

And guess where all the fat goes? Testolone promotes fat loss by stimulating your body to burn body fat for fuel. As a result, you’ll see a massive increase in muscle strength and overall stamina.

In case you didn’t know, SARMs were originally developed to combat muscle wasting and bone degeneration. Initial studies showed they boost muscle growth and bone mineral density. An increase in bone mineral density leads to stronger bones.

Therefore, expect Testolone to strengthen your bones and reduce the risk of fractures and other similar injuries, which are pretty common among footballers.

How to use Testolone

Use between 10 and 30 mg per day for 8 weeks. You can even start with just 5mg per day. We’ll encourage you to start with a low dose and gradually increase it during the cycle.

Suppression is the most common side effect of Testolone. Therefore, make sure to go through PCT after every Testolone cycle to reverse the suppression.

Unfortunately, Testolone is not without its drawbacks. Besides suppression, it also causes stomach aches, headaches, and hair loss.

2.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is also known as Enobosarm. It’s one of the best-selling SARMs, and it’s not hard to see why.

For one, Ostarine is the mildest SARM you can buy. It’s, therefore, a no-brainer option for first-time SARM users.

Secondly, Ostarine delivers various benefits that go beyond bodybuilding. For example, it can improve your libido and cognition.

In terms of bodybuilding, Ostarine can help you add muscle mass which is critical for any footballer. Moreover, it boosts fat loss, muscle strength, stamina, and endurance.

Like other SARMs, Ostarine will also improve your bone mineral density. Therefore, it will reduce your susceptibility to bone-related injuries.

The list of benefits goes on. Ostarine enhances recovery. This is great, especially when you’re spending lots of time in training and through cramped fixtures.

The most common Ostarine side effect is testosterone suppression, which happens with all SARMs. But in addition to that, you may experience hair shedding and bad sleep.

How to use Ostarine

Take 20mg per day for 8 to 10 weeks. You can also start as low as 10mg per day if you’ve never used SARMs before and would want to minimize the risk of side effects.

Cycles should never go beyond 10 weeks, and PCT is compulsory after each cycle to restore natural testosterone production.

3.  Cardarine GW501516

Cardarine is the best SARM for cutting. That makes it the perfect choice when you want to lose fat fast and without losing your muscle gains.

On top of that, Cardarine is popular for boosting performance. It increases muscle strength, endurance, and stamina. All this makes it an undeniable option for any footballer.

How exactly does it produce these results? Well, you need to know that Cardarine is not a SARM. It has a completely different working mechanism.

Cardarine is a PPAR receptor agonist. The drug binds to the PPAR receptors, stimulating an increase in muscle oxidative capacity. This boosts your muscle strength and endurance significantly.

The drug also stimulates your body to use fat instead of glucose as its energy. This promotes both fat loss and performance.

In addition to all that, Cardarine is known to improve kidney, liver, and heart health.

Another advantage of using Cardarine is it does not cause testosterone suppression. Therefore, you don’t need to do a SARMs PCT after using it. Cardarine actually doesn’t cause any adverse effects when dosed correctly.

How to use Cardarine

Most people get the best results taking between 10 and 20mg per day for 8 weeks. Take a short break and PCT between each cycle.

Final Thoughts

In closing, SARMs can turn you from a laughing stock into a pro football player within weeks. The right drug will ensure you have enough lean muscle mass, low body fat, and optimal physical performance.

From this article, you’ve seen the three SARMs to choose from. Testolone is great if you want an intense cycle with exceptional results at the end. Ostarine is perfect if you’re a first-time SARM user.

Lastly, Cardarine is excellent if you want rapid fat loss and improved performance without testosterone suppression.