Best SARMs for Ectomorphs

The 3 Best SARMs for Ectomorphs

Being an ectomorph comes with its pros and cons. One of the pros is that you have a fast metabolism that facilitates the rapid breakdown of calories. Unfortunately, it’s also really hard to gain lean mass with this body type. The metabolic rate is just too fast, causing the body to break down the calories before your system can use them. Additionally, muscle catabolism can happen where the body may break down your lean mass.

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Essentially, gaining lean mass is extremely hard as an ectomorph. Hard but not impossible. With the right regimen, you can still add muscle mass to hit your fitness goals. But you need all the help you can get, and that’s where SARMs come in.

Selective androgen receptor modulators are a powerful class of drugs that can help you gain pounds of muscle mass at a rapid rate. But there are many SARMs on the market, so you need to know which ones to use for the best results.

So, here are the best SARMs for ectomorphs:

1.  Testolone RAD140

Testolone is one of the most powerful SARMs on the market. In fact, most SARM enthusiasts argue that it is the most potent SARM you can buy at the moment. This incredible drug was originally developed to reverse muscle wasting and bone degeneration issues. However, as studies and anecdotal reports would later show, it is incredibly effective at accelerating muscle growth.

As such, Tetolone is perhaps the best bet for skinny guys that want to bulk fast. It will help you add lean muscle mass much faster and with fewer risks. That’s especially true when used as recommended.

But as pointed out earlier, ectomorphs need to work extra hard and be smart to gain muscle mass. Therefore, adding Testolone to your regimen is only the first step. Next, you need an ingenious workout plan to get the results you desire.

Your workout routine should feature short but strenuous workouts followed by long breaks. Also, you want to keep cardio to a minimum.

Diet-wise, you may want to incorporate an extra meal in the evening into your plan. This should help prevent muscle catabolism as you go to bed.

Fortunately, besides muscle growth, Testolone will also boost your muscle strength, energy, and stamina. Therefore, you should be able to handle the strenuous training required.

How to use Testolone RAD140

The ideal Testolone doses range from around 5 to 30 mg per day. It’s advisable to start with the lowest dose and only increase it if your body is responding well to the drug.

Testolone should be used in 8-10 week cycles.

Testolone side effects

Unfortunately, Testolone is not 100% safe. The drug can cause multiple side effects, chief among them being testosterone suppression. Therefore, you must go through post-cycle therapy to reverse this issue. Some users also experience increased aggression.

2.  Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol is another popular selective androgen receptor modulator. The drug is popular in bulking cycles, where it helps users add lean muscle mass while enhancing athletic performance.

It may not be as potent as RAD140, but Ligandrol is every bit as effective in helping skinny guys bulk up. In fact, since it’s not so powerful, it’s usable to most people. Actually, Ligandrol is also one of the best SARMs for women. That goes a long way to show just how friendly the drug is.

Like Testolone, you’ll need to use Ligandrol alongside the correct workout routine and diet. You want to go for a muscle & strength full-body workout routine. Don’t worry, though. The drug will provide a consistent supply of strength, energy, and endurance to keep you fueled at all times.

How to use Ligandrol LGD4033

Ligandrol works best with dosages of between 5 and 15 mg per day. Once again, you want to start with a low dose and increase it as your body acclimates to the compound.

Ligandrol should be cycled for 8 to 12 weeks. Start with an 8-week cycle if it’s your first time using SARMs. You can then extend the cycle in subsequent cycles.

Ligandrol side effects

Ligandrol causes testosterone suppression, so you must undergo a Rebirth PCT after each cycle. Moreover, the drug may cause headaches and insomnia.

3.  YK11

YK11 is not like the other drugs covered above. This compound is a myostatin inhibitor and not a selective androgen receptor modulator. However, it’s usually advertised and sold as a SARM hence its inclusion in this list.

As a myostatin inhibitor, YK-11 will eliminate the biological wall (myostatin) that prevents humans from gaining lean mass beyond a certain point. Therefore, this drug will unleash your full muscle-building potential. As an ectomorph, that should help you gain more lean mass at a significantly faster rate.

Like the other two SARMs above, YK11 also boosts athletic performance, so expect a surge in raw energy, strength, and stamina.

How to use Yk11

Take between 5 and 15 mg per day for 6 to 8 weeks. Each Yk11 cycle should be followed with a sufficient break.

YK11 side effects

Yk11 users may experience mild acne, increased aggression, and maybe a drop in libido.

In Closing

It may be tough to gain muscle mass as an ectomorph, but you can still do it if you have the right resources. Besides a good training routine and diet, you’ll get brilliant and faster results with the help of performance enhancers. And the three SARMs discussed above are your best options.