What are the best SARMs for TRT?

Did you know that about one in four men over the age of 30 has low testosterone levels?

Yes, that’s according to a report published by the abc news. Studies also show that after hitting the age of 30, men start to lose testosterone naturally.

That’s a massive red flag because testosterone is what makes men manly. From sex drive to gaining lean mass, you need testosterone to maintain your masculinity.

Scientists have developed several techniques to counter the effects of dropping testosterone levels in men. This includes testosterone replacement therapy or hormone replacement therapy.

So, what is testosterone replacement therapy, and how exactly do selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) come in? Let’s find out.

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What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone replacement therapy is the usage of testosterone-boosting products to increase testosterone levels. This is usually done under the supervision of a licensed physician. To undergo TRT, testosterone deficiency must also be diagnosed by a physician.

There are many testosterone-boosting products. Some of them are more well-studied than others. Moreover, some drugs are taken through injections, e.g., testosterone enanthate, while others can be taken orally.

Let’s now look at SARMs and how they can support TRT.

SARMs for Testosterone Replacement Therapy

SARMs, or selective androgen receptor modulators, are a relatively new class of drugs that function like anabolic steroids, except for one significant difference. Unlike steroids that interact with all androgen receptors, SARMs are selective in nature hence the name.

These drugs target the androgen receptors located in the muscle and bone tissues. The drugs have fewer androgenic effects compared to anabolic steroids. They’ll help users add lean mass and grow stronger bones without experiencing issues with their kidneys, liver, prostate, and other organs.

Since they are consumed orally, SARMs are also known for not causing liver toxicity – a notorious issue among steroid users.

But there is the elephant in the room. Given all this, are SARMs really effective for TRT? And the answer to that is a bit complicated.

One thing is certain. An injection of testosterone is much more effective than SARMs for TRT. These injections will work faster and may cause significantly better results. But, of course, that’ll ultimately depend on the specific drug used.

SARMs, on the other hand, may not directly influence testosterone levels in the body. However, they will eliminate the symptoms associated with low testosterone levels. So users experience increased lean muscle mass, fat loss, better libido, stronger bones, and higher energy and stamina levels, among other effects.

Therefore, these drugs may not influence testosterone levels, but the endpoint is similar to what TRT aims for.

So, let’s quickly go through some of the best SARMs for TRT on the market and explain how you can use them to achieve the above-mentioned effects.

1.   Ligandrol

Ligandrol is also sold as LGD4033. It is one of the most popular SARMs on the market. The drug is commonly used in bulking cycles where users can add up to 8 to 10 pounds of muscle mass per cycle.

A few users experience even bigger gains when they use Ligandrol alongside a suitable workout routine and diet.

In addition to building muscle mass, Ligandrol users also experience faster recovery, stronger bones, and increased strength.

The ideal Ligandrol dosage ranges from 2.5 to 15 mg daily, taken for 8 to 12 weeks. You can start low if it’s your first time taking SARMs.

2.   Ostarine

Ostarine is best known for being the best SARM for beginners. The drug is mild, so users get the desired results without feeling overpowered. The drug is also sold under the name Enobosarm and MK2866.

Like Ligandrol, Ostarine also boosts muscle growth, strength, energy, and bone formation. It may also lower body fat but not substantially.

Ostarine can be used in doses of between 15 and 20 mg per day. Cycles run for 8 to 10 weeks.

3.   Testolone

Finally, we have Testolone, one of the most powerful SARMs on the market. It’s also sold as RAD140.

Use Testolone if you’re looking for massive gains. It’ll also boost your vascularity, fat loss, strength, and endurance.

Testolone is quite potent, so beginners are usually discouraged from using it. And for those who choose the SARM, starting with low dosages is advisable.

The ideal Testolone RAD140 dosage ranges from 5 to 30 mg per day. The SARM is usually taken in 8-week cycles.

With all that said, it’s worth noting that SARMs are not free of side effects. Most commonly, these drugs cause testosterone suppression. This is when natural testosterone production slows down due to the presence of these compounds. That’s why sticking to the recommended dosage, and cycle lengths is advisable.

Also, PCT is necessary after every SARMs cycle.

Final Thoughts

SARMs have not been through thorough clinical trials to show their full effects on the human body. Still, the existing studies and anecdotal evidence show how beneficial these drugs can be.

And although they may not be as effective in TRT as other compounds, they can help eliminate the effects linked to low testosterone levels. We’ve highlighted three SARMs that you may want to consider.