The best SARMs for running

What are the best SARMs for running?

When looking for the best SARMs for running, you’re actually looking for SARMs that can boost your endurance and stamina. It’s also a bonus if your SARM of choice increases your energy levels. The boost in endurance and energy will help you smash your records on the track.

The good news here is that there are SARMs that can do just that – SARMs that can increase your endurance, stamina, and energy levels. But before we start discussing the top three SARMs for running, it’s wise that we issue a word of caution. SARMs are prohibited from regulated competitive sports. That’s due to the obvious advantage they give athletes. Therefore, avoid using SARMs if you’re participating in something like an Olympic competition.

With that out of the way, here are the best SARMs for running:

1.  Cardarine GW501516

Cardarine is one of the most popular SARMs on the market. It’s particularly popular in cutting cycles. It’s also known to be one of the most effective SARMs for athletic performance. What that means is that the SARM can increase your endurance, stamina, energy, and strength.

How does Cardarine work? Well, that’s the funny part. Although Cardarine is called a SARM and sold as one, it actually isn’t. You see SARMs work by interacting with androgen receptors. More specifically, they bind to the androgen receptors located in the muscle and bone tissues. They work like Testosterone to stimulate these receptors.

Cardarine doesn’t interact with androgen receptors. Instead, it’s a PPAR agonist that binds to PPAR receptors. It influences the body to switch to stored fat as its energy source. This accelerates fat loss while boosting energy, stamina, and endurance.

It doesn’t stop there either. Cardarine also increases the oxidative capacity of the muscle tissue. This increases endurance and energy levels in the muscle tissue significantly. That means Cardarine is your best shot at beating the competition on the track.

How to use CardarineGW501516

Take between 10 and 25 mg per day. Cardarine has a pretty long half-life, so you can take the drug just once per day.

Cardarine should be used in 8-week cycles. Seasoned SARMs users can extend the cycle to 12 weeks.

Cardarine side effects

Correct usage of Cardarine hasn’t been linked to any severe side effects. There used to be rumors that it can cause cancer, but multiple studies squashed those rumors. In fact, some trials suggested the drug has anti-cancer properties.

2.  Ostarine MK2866

Ostarine is the best SARM for beginners. The selective androgen receptor modulator is super friendly, making it ideal for individuals who have no past experience using SARMs. Its friendly nature will help any athlete get the performance results they desire without experiencing any severe complications.

The working mechanism of Ostarine is pretty similar to any other SARM. The drug binds to the androgen receptors located in the muscle and bone tissues, stimulating multiple processes. Some of those processes result in a boost in stamina and endurance.

Beyond boosting your performance on the track, you may also want to use Ostarine if you want to add some lean mass. That’s because the SARM is also very effective at boosting muscle growth.

How to use Ostarine MK2866

Take between 10 and 20mg per day for 8 weeks. Some users can prolong the cycle to 10 weeks. Don’t use it beyond that; otherwise, you risk experiencing severe adverse effects.

Ostarine causes testosterone suppression, so you must run a post-cycle therapy after using it. Testosterone suppression is when the body reduces the natural production of testosterone due to the presence of a similar compound (Ostarine in this case) in the system. The PCT will help you restore optimal testosterone production.

Ostarine side effects

Besides testosterone suppression, you may also experience insomnia. Hair shedding has also been reported among a few users.

3.  Stenabolic SR9009

Last on the list is another SARM that is not actually a SARM. It’s also not a PPAR agonist like Cardarine. Stenabolic SR9009 is a Rev-ErbA ligand. It binds to Rev-ErbA, a protein found in the liver, muscle, and fat tissue.

SR9009 binds to the Rev-ErbA found in these sites, stimulating multiple processes. In the muscles, it increases the mitochondria count resulting in a significant boost in endurance. In the liver, it blocks the production of new fat cells, which is great news for anyone who wants to reduce body fat. The effect is even more pronounced when SR9009 binds to the fat tissue.

How to use Stenabolic SR9009

The ideal Stenabolic dosage is 30 mg per day taken in 8-week cycles. Unfortunately, Stenabolic has a short half-life of about 4 to 6 hours. Therefore, you’ll need to split the dose into three servings of 10mg each for the best results.

Stenabolic side effects

The most commonly reported side effect of SR9009 is wakefulness. A few users have also reported headaches and some water retention.

Stop using the drug if you experience severe adverse effects.

In Closing

If you are looking for the best SARMs for running, Cardarine, Ostarine, and Stenabolic are your options. Cardarine is arguably the best pick here, but both Ostarine and Stenabolic can also produce impressive results.