SARMS, Health

The 3 Best SARMs for Gaining Weight

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators or SARMs have grown to become popular performance enhancers. These drugs have proven to be a great alternative to the more dangerous anabolic steroids and other prohormones. They help advanced bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts achieve their insane goals at record times with minimal risks.

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If you’re serious about muscle growth then you’re going to need a serious muscle builder. LIGABULK’s potent performance enhancing formula is your number one choice for a safe and powerful alternative to Ligandrol.

However, not all SARMs are equal. Some of these drugs are best suited for cutting cycles or weight loss, while others are best for gaining weight or bulking. Others try to deliver a bit of both. In this article, we’ll zero in on the best SARMs for gaining weight. We’ll take you through three SARMs that can support your bulking efforts. We’ll also share some details on how to dose and use them for the best results.

Let’s get started:

1.  Testolone (RAD140)

Testolone, also known as just RAD-140, is arguably the most powerful SARM on the market today. The selective androgen receptor modulator is extremely effective at boosting lean muscle growth. In fact, some trials show that it helps users gain pounds of lean muscle mass in just a few weeks of using it in small dosages.

The extreme potency of Testolone makes it an ideal option for advanced bodybuilders who want fast and immense results. The drug has a high affinity to androgen receptors located in the bone and muscle tissues. It binds to those receptors and mimics the action of testosterone to trigger rapid lean muscle growth.

Not only that, but it also boosts bone density which is critical for any athlete. Stronger bones support the bigger lean mass. Additionally, they reduce the risks of bone fractures and other similar injuries.

It doesn’t stop there either. Testolone is also notoriously effective for boosting muscle strength. The SARM will fill you with tons of raw energy and strength, helping you perform better in the gym. This translates to even better and faster bulking results.

How to use Testolone

Being such a powerful SARM, Testolone must be used carefully to reduce the risks of adverse reactions. Though no clinical trials show the ideal dosages, most users seem to find 10-20mg per day to be the optimal Testolone dose. This helps produce the intended results without any severe adverse reactions.

For first-time users, it’s advisable to start with lower dosages, so 10mg per day. You can then increase the dosage as your body gets used to the drug. So you may add to the dosage midway through the cycle or in subsequent cycles.

Speaking of which, Testolone should be used in 8-week cycles. Advanced users can stretch the cycles to 12 weeks.

Each cycle should be followed with a break and post-cycle therapy (PCT).

Testolone side effects

Testolone is extremely powerful, so it can cause testosterone suppression. That’s why it’s imperative to run PCT after each cycle. Moreover, the drug can cause side effects such as increased aggression, nausea, and headaches. Reduce your dosages if the side effects increase. If that doesn’t help, stop using the drug and look for another alternative.

2.  Ligandrol (LGD4033)

Ligandrol is another powerful selective androgen receptor modulator ideal for gaining weight. It may not be as potent as RAD-140, but this SARM can help you get impressive results, especially when used correctly and supported with the right diet and workout routine.

Ligandrol was originally developed to treat muscle and bone loss caused by osteoporosis. The drug not only reduced those conditions, but it actually helped increase muscle mass and bone density. That’s how it ended up becoming so popular in the fitness industry.

Something else interesting about Ligandrol is that women can also use it for bulking. Since it is not extremely powerful, the supplement can be used by women without causing severe complications. That said, women still need to use it in small doses to stay safe.

How to use Ligandrol

The ideal LGD-4033 dosage is 5-10mg per day. The supplement should be used in 6-8 week cycles. Every cycle should be followed with PCT and a break.

Ligandrol side effects

Ligandrol may cause side effects such as water retention, testosterone suppression, stomach upset, nausea, fatigue, and headaches.

3.  Ostarine (MK2866)

Ostarine is an effective yet friendly selective androgen receptor modulator. The SARM is ideal for beginner and intermediate bodybuilders. Women, too, can use it without exposing themselves to grave risks, as is the case with other more potent drugs.

Also known as Enobosarm, MK-2866 will help you gain lean mass and muscle strength faster. It can also help reduce body fat, ensuring you’re looking leaner.

How to use Ostarine

Being a mild SARM doesn’t mean people should abuse it. It’s recommended to take dosages of between 10 and 25 mg per day in 8 to 12-week cycles.

Ostarine side effects

Ostarine has been linked to a number of side effects, including nausea, constipation, stomach pain, and diarrhea. These are especially common in the first few days of taking the drug, but they typically subside as your body gets acclimates to the agent. If they don’t, stop taking the drug and seek medical help.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take this or any other SARM.

Final Thoughts

If you want to gain weight or lean mass, consider using selective androgen receptor modulators. The SARMs discussed above are especially effective for that purpose. Ostarine and Ligandrol are great options, particularly for advanced and intermediate bodybuilders. Meanwhile, Ostarine works great for both beginners and intermediates.