
Is it Safe to Take Adderall while Pregnant?

Pregnancy comes with so many demands. For example, there are a lot of foods, medications, etc., that the expectant mother is not allowed to use. All this is done to maintain the health of the growing fetus and the mother.

Although a good portion of prescription drugs is safe for expecting mothers, a few medications can pose a danger to the baby. Adderall, for example, is said to be a dangerous drug that could impact the growth of the fetus.

In this review, we will share more details about the risks involved when taking Adderall while pregnant. We will also go through some Adderall alternatives that expecting mothers may want to consider.

What is Adderall?

Adderall is grouped as a central nervous system stimulant. It is produced from amphetamine and dextroamphetamine and is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD.  The drug helps individuals who have ADHD maintain their focus and lowers anxiety. In doing so, the drug improves the users’ productivity and overall quality of life.

The use of Adderall for the treatment of ADHD is quite common. Unfortunately, data also shows that an increasing number of pregnant women are using the drug. In fact, some statistics from the Center for Disease Control report that the number of pregnant women using Adderall more than doubled between 1998 and 2011.

Although there might have been no data showing safety concerns in the past, recent findings show that Adderall is not very safe for pregnant women. To better understand how Adderall could be dangerous for pregnant women and growing fetuses, let’s first look at how the drug works.

How does Adderall work?

As mentioned earlier, Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant containing amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. The two drugs work together to increase the availability of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine in CNS connections. That speeds up your brain’s activity. Additionally, the neurotransmitters help regulate your attention resulting in improved mental focus.

Although the drug stimulates the CNS (which may seem counterintuitive considering ADHD patients experience anxiety and other effects), multiple studies have shown its effectiveness in treating ADHD.

For example, in one double-blind placebo-controlled trial, 27 adults were given 27mg of Adderall twice per day for seven weeks. The drug was administered orally. At the end of the study, the subjects given Adderall showed statistically significant improvements. They recorded a 42% reduction on the ADHD rating scale.

Unfortunately, the drug is also known for various side effects that appear to all users, not just pregnant women. For example, it may cause loss of appetite, restlessness, rapid heart rate, nervousness, trouble sleeping, etc. Most of these side effects are due to the drug’s effects on the central nervous system.

Is taking Adderall during pregnancy safe?

The short answer is no, Adderall is not safe to take during pregnancy. The dangers of taking Adderall when pregnant are too severe to ignore. For starters, the drug stimulates the CNS increasing the risk of issues such as heart attack, stroke, and psychosis. These are all dangerous conditions that can put the life of the mother and growing fetus at risk.

In addition to that, a few key findings shared by the CDC show that pregnant women using Adderall run a high risk of having a baby with birth defects. Specifically, usage of Adderall in early pregnancy increases the risk of Gastroschisis, Transverse limb deficiency, and Omphalocele.

It should be noted that human trials on the use of Adderall in pregnant women are very limited. Most of the findings we have today are limited to animal trials. That’s one of the reasons why it’s so difficult to fully understand the impact of Adderall on fetuses and pregnant women. It’s also difficult to determine whether smaller dosages of the drug could be safer for pregnant women.

However, some physicians say Adderall may be prescribed to pregnant women in rare, unique situations where its benefits outweigh the drawbacks. For example, if a woman has severe ADHD symptoms that make it harder for her to care for the child and herself, a medical practitioner may consider prescribing Adderall.

With all that said, it’s best to avoid Adderall when you’re pregnant as much as possible. The exception, of course, is if your physician makes an informed decision where prescribing the drug is the best course of action for you.

Another common question people have is what happens if you used Adderall before realizing you were pregnant. There is usually nothing to worry about in most of these instances. If you noticed you were pregnant after missing your period, chances are the umbilical cord is still not fully formed. Therefore, the drug couldn’t have passed to the fetus. That means the fetus is most probably fine.

However, you’ll have to stop using the drug immediately after finding out you are pregnant. Also, your practitioner may conduct a few tests to screen for birth defects.

But what if you are breastfeeding? Is it okay to take Adderall if you are nursing? Let’s discuss that.

Can you take Adderall while breastfeeding?

Sadly, there is also not sufficient clinical data to show how safe Adderall is for breastfeeding women. However, studies do confirm that the drug can pass through breast milk. And although the risks may be lower when the baby ingests Adderall through breast milk, a few concerns still exist.

For example, the baby may experience a loss of appetite, insomnia, restlessness, and failure to thrive. The nursing mother may also experience decreased milk production.

Therefore, it’s best to steer clear of Adderall when breastfeeding.

When is it safe to take Adderall after pregnancy?

Generally speaking, you should not take Adderall until you’re done with the pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, if you feel like you absolutely have to use the drug, consult your physician. They will help you find the right solution. For example, if Adderall is still not an option, they may recommend some suitable alternatives.

Adderall alternatives to take while pregnant

Unfortunately, most ADHD drugs come with risks, just like Adderall. Therefore, Vyvanse and Ritalin are also out of the equation when you are pregnant or breastfeeding. On the brighter side, there are some pregnancy-friendly ADHD remedies that can help you manage your symptoms better.

Mindful meditation is one great example. Your physician can recommend suitable programs to help you use mindful meditation to relieve ADHD symptoms. In fact, one trial showed that mindful meditation helped improve emotional regulation in pregnant women. Mindful meditation can be used alongside yoga and massage.

Physical exercise is another option. Exercising can help you manage impulsivity and improve your focus and ability to sit still. You’ll have to consult your physician to identify the specific types of exercises that are likely to help you.

Tricyclic antidepressants can also help stimulate norepinephrine to ease ADHD symptoms. However, do not use this medication without a prescription from a licensed physician.

Should you take Adderall when trying to get pregnant?

Once again, we can’t tell whether Adderall has any effect on fertility. Animal studies seem to show that using Adderall doesn’t increase your chances of getting pregnant. However, one trial reported animals placed on Adderall experienced impaired reproduction which could affect their ability to get pregnant.

So, although there isn’t enough clinical data, it’s best to stay off Adderall if you really want to conceive.