increase hgh
Muscle strength

How to Increase HGH Naturally?

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a hormone released in the body for stimulating and promoting growth. It is also called somatotropin. HGH is produced by the anterior pituitary gland and influences growth and development.

For children and adolescents, HGH encourages growth in height. For adults, it plays several maintenance roles in the body, including:

  • Reducing fat deposits
  • Maintaining a lean body
  • Strengthening bones
  • Maintaining the correct cholesterol levels
  • Protecting the organs from age-related decline
  • Encouraging faster hair growth, and
  • Boosting circulation

Even though there are numerous supplements and prescriptions available to increase HGH levels in your body, there are several natural ways to boost the production of this hormone. Having too little or too much HGH could lead to development issues and other health problems. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain healthy HGH levels at all times.


QUALITY MUSCLE GAINS & FAST FAT LOSSUSE FOR:Lean muscle gains, fat burning, fast recovery, cutting cyclesSTACK WITH:Winsol (Winstrol), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) and Trenorol (Trenbolone) for best resultsWHAT IS...

Ways to Increase HGH Naturally

Diet, exercise, excitement, stress, and the aging process affect the amount of HGH in the body. For the best results, you need to implement the following techniques in combination with each other. For example, you can maximize your growth hormone production by trying intermittent fasting while ensuring you are getting more sleep.

Here are the top tips for increasing HGH levels naturally. Follow them keenly, and you will be on the right path to achieving a lean physique, healthier hair and skin, and the other benefits of human growth hormone.

1. Eat Enough Amounts of Protein

To gain muscle mass, you must consume enough protein. During digestion, protein is converted into amino acids, the building blocks that form the tissues in the body.

Additionally, the amino acids send cellular messages to alert the tissues, muscles, organs, and collagen when it's time to repair and grow.

Protein is vital for growth even as we advance in age. Low protein diets could cause osteoporosis, muscle wasting, and many other problems.

Arginine is the amino acid that boosts hormone production. Instead of using dietary supplements containing arginine (which could lead to GI distress), it's recommended to try foods rich in arginine, including chicken, turkey, pork, and pumpkin seeds.

To naturally increase your HGH levels, ask your nearby compounding pharmacy if they offer HGH drops or HGH sprays like secretropin. Some amino acids also encourage the production of growth hormone when taken after high-intensity workouts or before going to bed.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Research shows that HGH levels peak during deep sleep, also known as stage 3 sleep, due to the melatonin factor. A normal sleep cycle naturally increases HGH levels in your body.

Evidence has also shown that sleep disruptions and deprivation are linked to an elevated risk of diabetes, obesity, and insulin insensitivity, which results in lower HGH levels.

Experts recommend engaging in physical activity during the day to enjoy a good night's sleep. Since both may naturally boost HGH levels, you should combine regular exercise with enough sleep to ensure optimal HGH levels.

When you sleep in darkness, your body produces melatonin, causing a minor but vital cooling effect in your body. With the drop in temperature, HGH is produced and causes its regenerative effects. Once it's secreted, the growth hormone lasts just a short period of time – approximately 30 minutes or so. However, during that period, it moves quickly to other parts of the body – producing the desired effect in all parts of the body.

To optimize your experience after exposure to the growth hormone, you should get to bed by 10 pm and not later than 11 pm.

3. Try High-Intensity Training

Research notes that high-intensity activity where the heart rate exceeds the anaerobic threshold is a potent stimulator of growth hormone production. There are many scientifically proven high-intensity activities that you can try. These include performing a 30-second running sprint or cycling sprint with a one-minute rest interval several times in a day.

The intensity must make you feel quite uncomfortable, but you should not overdo it.


QUALITY MUSCLE GAINS & FAST FAT LOSSUSE FOR:Lean muscle gains, fat burning, fast recovery, cutting cyclesSTACK WITH:Winsol (Winstrol), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) and Trenorol (Trenbolone) for best resultsWHAT IS...

4. Control Insulin Levels

Too much insulin is linked to lower HGH levels. To boost HGH production, maintain low insulin levels at night.

How do you achieve that, you ask?

Reduce your sugar intake: sugar is reported to increase insulin levels. Reducing your intake of sugar can help maximize HGH production.

Avoid sugary beverages: sweet drinks are particularly harmful. The body doesn't work on sugary beverages in the same way it responds to food. Sweet drinks are not as satiating as food.

You find yourself consuming more liquids than solids since they don't make you feel full as quickly – regardless of the caloric intake. So avoid sugary beverages like soda before going to bed.

Time your meals accordingly: insulin spikes occur after meals and start to stabilize after two to three hours. Therefore, eat food at least two hours before going to bed.

5. Reduce Body Fat

HGH production is linked to the amount of fat in your body.

Belly fat may be a sign of excessive insulin levels, but it has also been linked to deficient HGH levels,  according to a recent research study of post-menopausal women in the United States. After 12 months of growth hormone therapy, the women experienced enhanced insulin sensitivity as well as reduced fat around their abdomen. They were also found to have lower bad LDL cholesterol levels.

If you are a man and have excess belly fat, you're also messing up your HGH levels. Maintain your body fat in the normal levels (i.e., less than 15 percent for males) to maximize your HGH production.

This implies watching your diet and caloric intake. Avoid skipping your workouts and use cardio to minimize your body fat levels.

6. Do Intermittent Fasting

While this is a relatively new diet trend,  you can implement it in different ways. You can select two or three days a week when you should eat less than usual, which increases HGH production. To maximize HGH release, the best thing to do is to simply postpone your next meal by a few hours.

Each morning, you're usually in a fasting state. Intermittent fasting encourages HGH release as a protective measure as it supports the conversion of fats into energy. But by the time you start eating, your HGH levels are very high, and you immediately enter the anabolic state.  Intermittent fasting as a dieting trend allows you to build muscle and achieve a learner physique. 

7. Go Keto

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that switches you to a special metabolic state known as ketosis. In this state, the body burns more fat, burns less glucose, and forms ketones. This results in fewer food cravings, more stable energy, and improved cognitive function.

Like intermittent fasting, a ketogenic diet lowers your insulin and blood sugar levels, which increases HGH production.

8.  Use Natural Supplements

Several natural supplements are proven to boost HGH production. These include but are not limited to:

Arginine: This amino acid helps increase HGH levels during bedtime.

Melatonin: using this sleep-enhancing hormone can moderately boost the secretion of HGH.

Creatine: in one clinical trial, 20g of this exercise booster temporarily increased growth hormone levels in men.

Alpha GPC: one gram of this nootropic elevated growth hormone secretion by up to 290% in young men.

GABA: GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter that is vastly distributed in the brain. It contributes to vision, motor control, and other important cortical functions. Taking a high-quality GABA supplement can cause significant increases in growth hormone levels.

Glycine: this is the amino acid most abundant in collagen. Taking a glycine supplement has been shown to elevate HGH levels in healthy men.

Besides, consider taking one of the following supplements before hitting the gym: glutamine (2000mg or one tsp), tyrosine (1000 mg per day), ornithine/arginine mixture (1000 mg of each), or glycine (1000 mg or one tsp)

Please note that taking a combination of natural supplements to raise HGH may produce unwanted side effects. Try other natural ways of increasing HGH, such as high-intensity training and deep sleep instead. 


QUALITY MUSCLE GAINS & FAST FAT LOSSUSE FOR:Lean muscle gains, fat burning, fast recovery, cutting cyclesSTACK WITH:Winsol (Winstrol), Clenbutrol (Clenbuterol) and Trenorol (Trenbolone) for best resultsWHAT IS...


As we age, HGH levels start to drop. Fortunately, you can offset the effects of this gradual decline without undergoing hormone injections. Given the potential side effects of HGH injections, this is excellent news for many people.

It's pretty easy. If you increase your protein intake, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and maintain low insulin levels, you'll achieve optimal HGH levels. This will then result in numerous benefits, including increased energy levels, strength, and muscle size.